Tag: Mourning


Dutch Parliament is going to decide about the Achterdeur

As you all know the Dutch policies about soft drugs are very tolerant (and in a sense very backward). You can go to your favourite Coffeeshop and buy up to 5 grams of cannabis per day. For the last 40…


Another shooting took place in Amsterdam

It is really sad to see there are again shootings going on in Amsterdam. According to AT5, a local news network, the shooting took place at Coffeeshop Vondel and many shop owners feel intimidated and like easy prey for criminals. Like the…


Howard Marks is dead

I’m sorry to say that, I just discovered that, Howard Marks passed away peacefully, on April 10th 2016. Howard Marks aka known as Mr. Nice was born 1945 in Kenfig Hill. During his live he was one of the UK’s…


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