Category: Legal Information

In this category you will find many legal information about the current status and the ongoing efforts toward legalization.


Amsterdam Coffeeshops – An overdue Update

A short update on what is going on with the Site and in Amsterdam. A long time passed since the last update on Amsterdam Coffeeshops. Some policy changes might be in front of the dutch coffeeshop economy. The larger scale change might remove the backdoor problem. And the second change might allow for larger stock in Amsterdam Coffeeshops.


Dutch Parliament is going to decide about the Achterdeur

As you all know the Dutch policies about soft drugs are very tolerant (and in a sense very backward). You can go to your favourite Coffeeshop and buy up to 5 grams of cannabis per day. For the last 40…


Austrian long term patient in closed psychiatry

According to Austrian local media Kurier, the long term patient Willhelm Wagner was led to closed psychiatry, after a search warrant led to another house search. The last action from government side was just a little more than a year ago,…


Another shooting took place in Amsterdam

It is really sad to see there are again shootings going on in Amsterdam. According to AT5, a local news network, the shooting took place at Coffeeshop Vondel and many shop owners feel intimidated and like easy prey for criminals. Like the…


Big news from Canada and Mexico

UNGASS2016 didn’t bring the long overdue change in global drug policy. There were some bright signs during the conference but the outcome document still has a harsh sound. Many asian countries defended their death penalties, on the other hand there…


UNGASS 2016 Starts today

So today starts the UNGASS 2016. It will be interesting to see what the UN decides. This week will be packed with international networking and many round tables about different topics and finally there will be a resolution that will cover…


Another dutch city bans tourists

The durch city of Sittard is going to ban tourists from visiting their coffeeshops starting April 1st 2016.


A short documentary

Atlas Documentary Films recently published a short documentary about the Dutch Coffeeshop system. It contains multiple interviews with very important people of the amsterdam coffeeshop scene. It features Wernard Bruining the owner of Mellow Yellow, Kurt van Es a dutch…


Man arrested for theft from coffeeshop

After a theft from a coffeeshop in Enschede a 28 year old man got arrested. Read more at


VABC Requested double Stock

The Vereniging Actieve Bredase Coffeeshopondernemers, in short VABC, requested, in an open letter to the city of Breda, that the allowed stock for coffeeshops is doubled in Breda. When you’re fluent in dutch you can read more at BNDeStem.


UNGASS 2016 prepareation ongoing

UNGASS 2016 what is it? UNGASS 2016 or United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem is a gathering of the United Nations to discuss matters of the global drug policies. It’s the first meeting in that…


Not so good news from Den Haag

Something not so good happened today. The supreme court of the netherlands approved a decision against a coffeeshop owner. When you’re fluent in dutch you can read the ruleing at The prosecutors where watching “de achterdeur” to find the stock…


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